Do you have some of those weird people in your family that are obsessed with raising their own food and growing huge gardens? You’re in the right place to get some ideas to fill their stockings this year. Below are our top 25 stocking stuffers for homesteaders to spark inspiration for everyone on your Christmas present shopping list.
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Seed Packets
Gardeners love trying new vegetable varieties or unique flowers
Plant Labels/Markers
Help keep them organized when starting seeds
Bug Bite Balm
For those inevitable pesky bites and stings
Velcro Plant Ties
Perfect for tying up tomatoes and more
Herb Stripper Tool
Makes quick work to cook with fresh herbs
DIY Soil Test Kit
For the nerdy gardener that wants data
Mason Jar Lids
Can never have too many canning lids!
Berry Harvester
Makes quick work of harvesting berries and edible flowers
Gardening Gloves
Can always use a new pair every year
Pruning Shear Sharpener
Keeping the shears sharp makes garden chores a snap
Wool Socks
For the nippy winter farm chores
Egg Stamps
Decorate those farm fresh eggs
Fermenting Lids/Weights
No more exploding or moldy fermentation experiments
Multi-tool Pocket Knife
Hand for all sorts of homestead chores on the fly
Trail/Game Camera
Keep an eye on the game or farm animal predators
Canning Labels
Keep the pantry organized
Garden Journal
Taking notes to record the gardening season
Vegetable Cleaning Brush
Scrub off the dirt
Tea Towels
Can never have too many towels!
Rain Gauge
Track weather patterns for their microclimate
Egg Laying Tracker
How many eggs does their flock lay per year?
Garden Planner
How much do they need to grow to feed a family?
Insect House/Hotel
Encourage beneficial insects to stick around
Garden Hose Nozzle
In case their old one cracked with the winter freeze
Chicken Treats
For spoiling the laying ladies
Still looking for other holiday present ideas?
Check out our shop for loads of other ideas sure to please any homesteader or gardener.