It was like our flock knew the day the calendar flipped over to November. We nearly immediately had almost no eggs! Our two youngest layers gave us a few eggs a week through the first half of the month, and then nothing…until the very last day of the month and one of our legbars graced us with a green-ish egg. Thankfully, extended relations have a whole flock of pullets just starting to lay now, so we’ve been getting eggs from them for our breakfasts until DeeDee begins to lay for us.
DeeDee was our only girl from the summer hatch of 7 chicks (what terrible odds!). I loved her coloring from the beginning, but she has turned out to be the most skittish gal and super camera shy. She should start laying come January/February if we’re lucky, so in the meantime we’re glad to have local options for eggs during the holidays. We did preserve 2 dozen in the freezer, but that is hardly enough for all the Christmas baking in store over the next two weeks!
Speaking of the holidays, it’s hard to believe the year is nearly over! This will be the last monthly update for chicken-keeping expenses. Come January I’ll post our December numbers (or lack thereof most likely) along with a summary of 2021 as a whole to help you get a better picture of what a backyard flock costs to maintain year round and in all seasons. Fingers-crossed that they break even and are able to sustain themselves!
Now for the November 2021 Chicken Update:
Farm fresh eggs around here go from $3-7 per dozen depending on raising practices. We’re fairly middle of the road, so we price ours right in the middle.
Egg Totals
- Brown Eggs: 12
- Green Eggs: 1
- Blue Eggs: 0
- Total Eggs: 13
- Total value: $5.41
- ($5/dozen)
Chicken Expenses
- Bedding: $10
- Feed: $27
- Total expenses: $37
- Net: $ -31.59