3-Bay Pallet Compost System for cheap

Wanting to build a better composting system on a budget? The good news is a 3-bay pallet compost system is easy to build on a shoestring even with minimal building experience. This simple building project will level up your composting game without spending money on an expensive tumbler. Plus it has the bonus advantage of upcycling materials that otherwise would have gone to waste!

Why do I need  a compost bin?

While a compost system can just be a simple pile on the ground, if you are wanting to take your composting to the next level you’re going to need some sort of bin to contain your pile in order to reach the critical mass point where your pile can heat up enough to kill off pathogens and weed seeds. The ideal size for a compost pile is about 1 cubic yard (3 ft x 3ft x3ft). Without a container or walls, it is hard to keep your pile mounded for ideal decomposition. 

Where can I get free pallets?

Acquiring free pallets is as easy as asking the question. Most businesses and organizations that have a pile lying around are more than happy for you to take them off their hands. We’ve gotten pallets from a grocery store, a tile shop, and even the library! If you order bulk goods from Azure Standard, the truck drivers often have extra pallets they can give away too. Essentially, if you see a pile of pallets, ask if you can have them.

Pile of pallets

Supplies for a Pallet Compost System

  • 7-9 pallets
  • Screws from your odds and ends bucket (they don’t have to match!)
  • 3 t-posts (optional)
  • Another set of hands is helpful for holding things together, but not necessary

How to build a Pallet Compost System

Assemble the back wall.

Take three of your pallets and screw them together to form one long pallet wall. 4-5 screws per joint.

attaching back wall of pallet compost system

Attach the end walls

Then screw a pallet on each end perpendicular to your back wall. 4-5 screws per joint.

Attach end pallet to composting system

Attach the dividers

Using a tape measure if you want to be precise or you can eyeball approximately where you want the bay dividers. Attach them with 4-5 screws perpendicular to the back wall.

Attaching divider to compost bays

(Optional) Attach front wall

On two bays, you can attach another pallet to form a cube for more efficient filling. With this front one, we would recommend attaching with wire ties that can be easily removed later when you need to turn the pile or access for use.

(Optional) T-posts for extra strength

If you have any concerns about the strength of your pallet compost system, you can add t-posts through the vertical pallets to give it more structure. We decided to add them to our own system as we use a tractor to flip our piles and didn’t want to knock over our bays accidentally. If you are just flipping your piles manually with a pitchfork, you might need to worry about this added structure.

And that’s it! Hope this guide to a 3-bay pallet compost system helps you start turning more garden and kitchen waste into healthy soil.

3-bay pallet compost system completed